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  • Does neuropathy ever start on its own? No

  • Is there a cure for neuropathy? No

  • Is there a medication that will keep neuropathy from getting worse? No

  • Is there a surgery that will correct neuropathy? No

  • Is there a treatment that will cure neuropathy? No

  • Are there effective treatments that don’t involve medication, surgery, or injections? Yes

  • If a treatment provides relief from neuropathy and then its stopped, will the neuropathy return? Yes

  • To maintain the relief from a treatment do you need to continue doing the treatment? Yes​

  • Is there a treatment that can be done at home that will effectively relieve neuropathy?  Yes

There is more information below or click here to understand how to obtain Lifetime Relief from Neuropathy 

There is no medication that will stop neuropathy from progressing, some medications do help chronic diseases. Take high blood pressure as an example, it can be controlled with medication, but the medication does not cure it, it only controls it, if you stop the medication the high blood pressure will return and in most cases be even worse than before. Neuropathy can be controlled, there are effective treatments for it that don't involve medication but if stopped, the neuropathy will return. This is why I stopped doing office treatments in 2015 and converted to a home treatment protocol. Fundamentally the same treatment we did in the office for 7 years, but now provides the way maintain the relief and with recent advances in technology extremely more effective.  




  • Peripheral neuropathy is a secondary disease process that damages the nerves outside the central nervous system, (brain and spinal cord)


  • There is no cure for neuropathy but it is treatable.  The difference between a cure and a treatment is this: A cure is something done one time and the problem is gone, a treatment is done continuously to control the condition. This is why a neuropathy treatment must be continued to maintain relief once it is under control.  


  • No medication prescribed today will prevent neuropathy from getting worse. The medications will only mask the symptoms of neuropathy, studies show that some point they become ineffective for 87% of neuropathy sufferers. Medications used are only FDA approved for diabetic neuropathy.  The side effects for some are worse than the neuropathy.


  • Neuropathy associated with earlier mortality.  Mean survival time with neuropathy is 10.8 years, compared with 13.9 years without neuropathy.  April 7, 2023


  • Peripheral neuropathy is referred to as: neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy, idiopathic neuropathy, CIPN, they all refer to the same disease, just different causes.


  •  Peripheral neuropathy is a secondary disease, it does not start on its own, there is always a primary cause, (over 200 causes have now been identified).  The best way to think of it is as a symptom of something else.


  • There is no surgery that will help neuropathy. 


  • Diabetes is the single most common cause. Diabetes is responsible for 30% of all cases of neuropathy.  50 to 60 percent of diabetics will develop neuropathy at some point. This neuropathy is 100% reversible with controlled diabetes. 


  • 70% of neuropathy sufferers are not diabetic. Common causes other than diabetes are chemotherapy, excessive alcohol use, vitamin B-12 deficiency, certain antibiotics, statin drugs and idiopathic (the cause cannot be identified). 


  • Idiopathic neuropathy, where the cause cannot be identified, makes up 30 to 40% of all cases of neuropathy.  More than diabetes at 30%. 


  • The most common type of peripheral neuropathy is the type where damage occurs to the cells of the nerve endings at the skin level causing the most distal cells at the skin level to die off.  This causes the actual nerve ending to recede deeper into the tissue. Those cells can be regenerated with the correct treatment but sustaining them is key.  See the test on the home page.


  • One thing in common for over 90% neuropathy causes: loss of oxygen to the nerve ending.  This oxygen loss causes the cells of the nerve ending at the skin level to become damaged and die off. Reversing this common factor, the loss of oxygen, is what allows for an effective treatment.  A video explaining in more depth is at the end of this information.


  • The numbness, burning, pain, tingling, etc. experienced occurs as the nerve ending starts to recede deeper into the tissue below the skin level, they start to fire on their own, no stimulus needed. Similar to what an amputee might experience with phantom sensations in an arm or leg that is no longer there. 


  • Different nerve endings carry different sensations, the type of abnormal sensation experienced is dependent on which one or ones of the nerve endings are damaged. 


  • The reason that most feel more symptoms at night is due to still have some normal nerve ending and during the day when you have shoes on and you are doing normal activities the normal nerve endings are being stimulated and they override the abnormal sensations, but at night nothing is stimulating the normal nerves and the abnormal nerves become more dominate.


  • Balance issues occur as the cells at the nerve ending become damaged and recede deeper into the tissue, they are no longer down at the sole of the foot, they are now deeper in. Sufferers commonly describe it feels like they are walking on sponge or piece of cardboard. It is why neuropathy sufferers become dependent on their depth perception for balance. Don't walk in the dark.


  • Medications currently prescribed for neuropathy will not stop it from getting worse, they only mask the symptoms. Dosages will be increased as the neuropathy becomes worse.


  • Research first published in neurological medical journals in 1999 sparked an ongoing debate concerning the possibility of nerve cell regeneration. Since 1999 numerous published double-blind clinical  studies that have proved that nerve cells can be regenerated.


  • Neuropathy is treatable and reversible, but like so many diseases the treatment must be ongoing to provide a lasting relief to offset the damage from the cause of the neuropathy.


  • Unfortunately, because neuropathy is not curable no short-term treatment can provide relief for longer than 3 to 8 months as the cause will continue to damage the nerve cells after the treatment has been stopped. 


I hope this gave you some insight to neuropathy. Most neuropathy sufferers do suffer needlessly, in most cases the signs and symptoms of neuropathy can be eliminated without medication, surgery or injections, providing a way to maintain the relief for the rest of your life. See some examples of our results on the We Get Lasting Results page. If you would like to know more please feel free to contact me directly at 480-556-1358.  I offer a free consultation and evaluation, one on one with me to see if this will work for you.  Please feel free to call me if you have questions, I am available 7am to 8pm seven days a week. 

Schedule your 1-on-1 Free Consultation by calling or texting 


1.  There is no true understanding of the nature and location of the nerve problem.

2. They are not designed to heal the nerve…they only attempt to minimize the symptoms while bringing       with them dangerous side effects.

The path to a pain free life can start with a single phone call

Stop the pain of neuropathy


  • I take a logical and science-based approach to evaluating your nerve problems.  Everything that is included in your at-home program has been proven through clinical research to be successful at improving individual neuropathic symptoms.  There are over 100 medical journal published studies that my protocols are based on over the past 23 years.  I am always looking for new advances in treating neuropathy to improve your results.  It is why my success rate has gone from 55% a decade ago to over 98% today for the sufferers accepted for this program.  With the ability to maintain the relief for the rest of your life. 

  • You are provided the education you'll need to help you remove the metabolic and/or external factors that are continuing to aggravate your nerve symptoms and impede healing. Many of these you may not even be aware of.

  • I have over 16 years of clinical experience working with neuropathy sufferers in addition to watching my mother's progression of neuropathy that started when I was 12 years old.  It's why I started looking for an effective treatment for neuropathy over 34 years ago.  I have amassed thousands of hours of study in neuropathy and clinical experience, even your neurologist doesn't have. 

  • I have more than 5 decades worth of experience personal and professional with Peripheral Neuropathy. This is one of the most important steps. There are a lot of providers who “treat” neuropathy… along with two dozen other conditions where they utilize the same exact treatment approach. Neuropathy is my mission; your neuropathy recovery is my focus.  It is why I am available by phone 7 days a week from 7am to 8pm to ensure the best possible results.



This program is different. I don't accept every person that schedules with us. My aim is to only accept people as patients who I believe I can help.


If for any reason I do not feel our program is a good fit for you, we will discuss that and try to give you the best direction possible.


There are a few things that I can assure you of upfront. If you are not willing to put the time into actually implementing the instructions and acting on the advice I offer, then I will not be able to help you.


If you are not committed to your health and to getting better, or really feel like "it’s not a big deal”, then this program may not be a good fit for you. Neuropathy is progressive. You may not be at the stage yet where it’s interfering with your quality of life. If that’s you, then this probably isn’t the right time for you.


There is no quick fix to overcoming neuropathy. Some symptoms will respond very quickly. Others will take more time, but one thing is constant. It takes commitment, a positive attitude, and willingness to change if you want the best chance to improve your quality of life.


After reading this far it should be obvious that I don’t take the standard approach to neuropathy. I don’t give medications that come riddled with side-effects or prescribe cookie-cutter methods that do little to improve the pain, numbness, and burning you experience on a daily basis.


Neuropathy is a complex condition and it takes a Big-Picture approach that utilizes the best science and technology have to offer to manage it effectively and create the relief we are sure you desire.

The success of this at home neuropathy recovery program is attributed to my unwillingness to cut corners, leveraging the latest technological advances, and developing proprietary scientific protocols that provide a predictable result.


Most sufferers ultimately lose hope in ever getting lasting relief. The medical community just throws medication after medication at them, resulting in side effects without relief.

It can feel like a losing battle!


Don’t wait for it to get worse. The sooner you take action, the easier it is to heal those nerves. Begin by scheduling your FREE Neuropathy Consultation and evaluation today. Let me help you get your life back.


I am here to support you and I look forward to meeting you.

Dr. Patrick M. Sartz, DC, BCN

Schedule your FREE Neuropathy Consultation Today

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